Happy Black History Month
Design by Diane Johnson
Past & Present
Right off the bat, I’d like to say Art Only Boutique is grateful to Langston Hughes, poet and social activist; Augusta Savage, sculptor; Jacob Lawrence, painter; Gordon Parks, photographer, and director; and many other artists from our past who opened doors for the representation of our artistic talents to be seen, read, and heard. We will never forget you, knowing the struggles have been real and continue to this day.
At present, we are inspired to celebrate Black History Month differently by honoring the diverse talents that are happening now within our culture. Our passion for the arts has introduced us to many gifted artists—poets, writers, painters, and podcasters—who provide fresh perspectives and engage us in meaningful conversations over the past few years. These local artists have inspired us to reflect on how artisans can use our talents to uplift, teach, and encourage the next generations.
We are now the storytellers, filmmakers, graphic designers, painters, and others who contribute daily to our history. We are still holding the doors open for future artists to continue curating spaces and platforms where our voices can be heard and ensuring that all experience our distinctive style and artistry.
Again, we thank our past artists for building a solid foundation. We have taken root, grown, and flourished, adding to our legacy of highlighting our cultural struggles and triumphs through bold, innovative, and influential artistic collective expressions. So, give the flowers now. Let us celebrate the living while we remember the past!
Happy Black History Month!