A Starry Night
Painting by Diane Johnson
Shepherds rested among their flocks.
Under the heavenly canopy of twinkling stars,
From days of toiling, grinding in the fields,
They lay to rest, break bread
Before starting again at dawn
Unaware that this ordinary night, prophecy would come to pass
The fields and pastures where they lay
Would be Illuminated by a glorious star fast approaching
Shining brighter, causing the other stars to appear dim
Standing to their feet in wonderment
Gazing upon the star accompanied by angels singing
Joyous greetings from the Most High
Gathering their things, making haste
Their hearts swelled with joy and gladness
As they journey through the night,
Trekking through narrow passageways, cliffs, and rocks
Their faith and hope in the fulfillment of the scriptures deepened along the way
The brilliance of the Star shone upon the manger, where their future King, Savior, lay.
O’ what a glorious sight, Angel's singing,
Proclaiming great tidings on this wondrous starry night
The shepherds, in awe, kneeling before Immanuel
The Promise One, whom the ancient prophets of old spoke, would come
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, who died for the sins of this world
Emanuel, King of kings and Lord of lords.
As the Christmas bells chime, brightly colored lights trim our trees and twinkle in the night.
Remember, the manger is no longer where Jesus Christ, our Savior, lies,
But Immanuel is seated in all victory at the right hand of God
Soon to return! Rejoice! Rejoice in the Hope of Glory!
Gaze toward the heavens in great anticipation of His Glorious return!
By Diane Johnson